Write an essay in which you: • discuss two (2) key psychological concepts, theories or processes, which you can select from the following chapters: o language & thought o learning o memory
Academic Writing – Essay
40% of the total grade This assessment item must be attempted in order to pass the unit
1500 words (excluding reference list)
Write an essay in which you:
· discuss two (2) key psychological concepts, theories or processes, which you can select from the following chapters:
· language & thought
· learning
· memory
· apply each of these two (2) psychological concepts, theories or processes to the discipline/professional area you are studying. Answer the following questions:
· how does the psychological concept, theory or process explain a particular behavior or issue in your discipline/profession?
· how could the psychological concept, theory or process be used to improve that particular behavior or issue?
Click here to access a list with examples of different key psychological concepts, theories or processes. Note that these concepts, theories and processes are examples. Choose the one that resonates most with you or is most relevant for an issue in your discipline/profession.
Use this essay template that includes the title page and uses the required APA formating style.
The assignment is to be formatted as per the APA (6th edition) style. You can use this template or you can format your own document using the details below.
· 2.54 cm (1 inch) margin on all sides.
· Flush left justification style (ragged right) (APA, 2009, p. 229).
· 1 cm indentation for new paragraphs
· Use Times New Roman with 12 pt. font size (APA, 2009, p. 229).
· Double space all text, titles, table notes, and figure captions (APA, 2009, p. 229).
· have a running head left justified in the header of each page with the words “Running head:” before the shortened title (APA, 2009, pp. 229-230)
· page numbers need to be right aligned in the header
· in-text citations and referencing list are to comply with the sixth edition of the APA Publication Manual.
For details regarding the APA manuscript style see:
Burton, L. J. (2018). An interactive approach to writing essays and research reports in psychology (4th ed.). Milton, QLD: Wiley.
American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
Websites that might be useful:
· Purdue Owl – APA Style
· APA Reference Style
· The Best APA Cheat Sheets on the Web
· APA Style Help
· Use of First Person in APA Style
Detailed information about assessment presentation requirements is provided in Psychology Central.
· All sources need to be referenced in the APA (6th ed.) style, including any imagery used for illustrative purposes.
· All files are to be submitted together at the same time. Files must remain separate and not zipped together.
· All pages are to contain your name, your student number and the Unit Code.
· File names must contain your details and the unit and assignment details. Follow the naming convention:
· UnitCode_Ass#_surname_given name_ID –> e.g. PSY140_A2_Smith_John_314048
In your discussion, draw from psychological concepts, theories or processes covered in the textbook in the areas of thought, language, learning and memory, and in the research in each area.
Participate in an academic writing workshop through the support services outlined this unit. These services exist to support you.
Conduct library database searches to locate at least five (5) journal articles which you cite in your essay. In addition, you can use scientific books including the textbook for this unit.
Consult the recommended book Burton, L. J. (2018). An interactive approach to writing essays and research reports in psychology (4th ed.). Milton, QLD: Wiley. This book will assist you in accomplishing high marks in your essay. In the book you find information about:
· where to begin
· writing in APA style
· critical thinking
· essays
· in-text citations
· reference list
· how to end
Assessment Criteria:
Click on assessment rubric