Write the summary from the perspective of your observation of the decision. In your summary, address the following points: What decision was made Who made the decision
Write the summary from the perspective of your observation of the decision.
In your summary, address the following points:
What decision was made
Who made the decision
Where was the decision made
How was the decision made
What factors influenced the decision
What were the outcome of the decision
Assignment One: Observation Review (1500 words)
Weighting 15%
Due date Friday 4th March 2016, 11.59pm
Note: Unless you have been approved to submit your work late under the adverse circumstances policy, late penalties will apply if your intended submission is not received by the due date/time.
Assignment This observation review is comprised of three headings and requires you to:
Heading 1 Decision Summary(approximately 400 words)
Engage in academic summary writing and effectively summarise a planned decision an individual made and implemented in a workplace environment. It is important that you personally observed this decision being made. It may be drawn
from you being involved in a workplace or observing another making a decision in a workplace e.g. friend, family member etc.
Write the summary from the perspective of your observation of the decision.
In your summary, address the following points:
What decision was made
Who made the decision
Where was the decision made
How was the decision made
What factors influenced the decision
What were the outcome of the decision
Heading 2 Rational decision making analysis (approximately 500 words)
Using relevant academic sources, critically analyse the decision from the perspective of rational decision making theory.
In your critical analysis, identify those parts of the decision that were rational in part or in full and justify your argument through coherent academic analytical writing.
In your answer, you will need to select and use a suitable rational decision making process model and provide a fully referenced diagram of that model.
Heading 3 Bounded rational decision-making analysis (approximately 600 words)
Using relevant academic sources appropriate to bounded rational theory, critically analyse and evaluate what potential issues could have bounded the decision maker in this decision.
In your answer, include in your analysis and evaluation potential limitations and benefits of bounded rationality in this decision.
Student Assessment Output Observation Review (1500 words)
Assignment One: Assessment Criteria
1. Effective summary writing of the decision making process and its outcome 20%
2. Wide and relevantly researched critical analysis of a business decision, using an 30%
appropriate rational decision making process model.
3. Wide and relevantly researched critical analysis and evaluation of a business decision, 30%
using bounded rationality theory.
4. Correct structure, effective use of English grammar and syntax, and academic referencing 20%
(compliant with APA 6th edn style
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