Create web pages using XHTML and Cascading Styles sheets.

Deadline: Day 10/04/2018 @ 23:59

Web Technologies


College of Computing and Informatics


8 Marks

Learning Outcome(s):

1. Create web pages using XHTML and Cascading Styles sheets.

2. Build web applications using PHP or similar languages

3. Construct and manipulate web databases

You are required to create a small Web site. You have to choose the project idea and work in it as individual or with a group. You have to use blogs tool in blackboard to announce the progress on your project.

The website must cover all aspects in the course (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, DB).

HTML HTML Web elements (list, table, form …) 1.5
Navigation (Links are clear and located in the same area on each page. All links are functional)
CSS Design (using CSS) Website clearly demonstrates design principles: with consistent alignment, proximity, repetition, and contrast… 1
JavaScript Form validation 0.5
Dynamic Web pages (PHP
Communication with DB(select)
Communication with DB(Update)
Using blogs every week to announce the progress on the project
Total 8

· The number of students /project: 2 (3 only for exception).

· The number of Web pages must be at least 5.

· The number of dynamic Web pages must be at least 3.

· The Web Site must connect to a database (1 select+ 1 Update queries)

· For form validation, there must be one popup message that appears after the submit button has been clicked. The message must contain a list of all validation errors on the Web page.

Each student have to prepare

1. IT230_Project.docx:

a. The student must use the same file (IT230_Project.docx) to prepare his answer.

b. For each part of the project (HTML. CSS, JS and PHP + DB) the student must copy and paste his code and add a screenshot of the output with a brief explication of each functionality of the web application.

c. For the use of blogs: the student must add some screenshots from Blackboard.

2. contains all the files of the project (html, css, JS, php, sql,).


1.5 Marks

Learning Outcome(s):

1. Create web pages using XHTML and Cascading Styles sheets


1 Mark

Learning Outcome(s):

1. Create web pages using XHTML and Cascading Styles sheets


0.5 Mark

Learning Outcome(s):


4 Marks

Learning Outcome(s):

2. Build web applications using PHP or similar languages

3. Construct and manipulate web databases


1 Mark

Learning Outcome(s):


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