Discuss your definition of ethical comportment. How do you see yourself integrating the concept of ethical comportment into your DNP nursing leadership role?

Discuss your definition of ethical comportment. How do you see yourself integrating the concept of ethical comportment into your DNP nursing leadership role?

Your initial post should be succinct, and demonstrate clarity of thought and precision in writing. Support your discussion with at least on three references other than the required reading.

assigned reading:
Crigger and Godfrey The Making of Nurse Professionals text to complete the following:
Read Chapter 6, “Learning a Profession: Considerations and Strategies,” pages 73–88. This chapter examines the ways in which other disciplines have addressed professional education. It also discusses emerging trends in nursing and offers recommendations for a professionalism-initiatives-in-nursing education.

Your initial post should be succinct, and demonstrate clarity of thought and precision in writing. Support your discussion with at least on three references other than the required reading.

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